Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter - Пасха

While I was in Murmansk , the people in Russia celebrated Easter. They boiled eggs , painted them and went to church. Unlike the Americans ,the Russians don’t hide eggs, hard boiled or chocolate and get the children to go looking for them.

The weekend before Пасха , Lenta supermarket was selling eggs at 1 ruble each and each cardholder is entitled to buy 30eggs per day for a certain period of time.So you'll see everyone at Lenta carrying boxes of eggs home.

At Lenta, they were also selling these huge Easter cake-bread for 19 rubles.It tasted like sweet bread gone stale if you don’t heat it up. I think it is suppose to taste like that because it taste exactly the same as the one I had last year on my birthday at Lake Baikal .

When I returned to Petrozavodsk, Tioma and Sasha came running to the door with nicely decorated eggs in their palms. A pity that I was hungry that night and ate them before taking a photo