There is a website where you can buy the train ticket russian price.But no matter how much i tried , the website refused to accept my credit card.So i had to go down to the train station to buy the ticket myself.
I haven't bought train tickets myself before .In the past , Selma ( my former roommate ) and Galya will be the people doing the talking.So i got all the information about train timings , " bottom bunk " in russian and platzkart class wagon all in my head and with some pronounciation help from my russian teacher, i went down to the station myself.
Guess what , it wasn't a problem.The lady at the counter understood me ,and i understood her questions too.I got all 4 tickets in 8 minutes!
But i had to wait 30 minutes to get to the front of the line.
I was waiting at counter 5.The lights are switched off because the counter lady went for her 10 minute break.The counter ladies have breaks at certain timings and they will just drop whatever they are doing and go for their break , leaving a long line of people waiting at the counter.
Get used to it ,People are not machines ,they need their breaks.