Sasha has 1 hour of tuition class at школа клуч every sunday and I get to sit in the class of 5 year olds too.The most difficult section of this trip to tuition class is the 20minute walk there and back.I discovered the most effective way to keep Sasha moving is to kick big pieces of harden snow like a football.And the 20 minutes passed in a flash.
The view near школа клуч.Lake Onega.
Kite Surfers doing their thing.
The kids cry a few times everyday, though never in front of me, but i was getting annoyed.I got my first expereince last night.The two boy were again playing in my room.This time, they discovered that drinking my water is alot tastier than the water from the kitchen ,even though my water came from the same kitchen.Tioma accidentally split some water on Sasha.The face cringed up and Sasha went running out of the room.
I grabbed hold of him and used the phrase that i have been dying to say for a LONG TIME.
" ты большой мальчик.БОЛЬШОЙ МАЛЬЧИК НЕ ПЛАЧЕТ!!! НЕ ПЛАЧЕТ!!! "
(You are a big boy .Big boys don't cry! )
His cringed up face became calm again as i helped him remove his sweater , while Tioma tried to dry the sweater with tissue while saying some comforting words.
Let's hope they don't cry so often anymore.